
Employment Opportunities

Murray CSD has the following open positions available for the 2024-25 school year. Apply at,
Open Positions:
2024-25 Head Girls Track Coach
2024-25 Assistant Girls Softball Coach
Contact Devin Vandermolen at if you are interested in either of these positions.
Positions below will be combined as suitable with candidate strengths and experiences.
2025-26 Elementary Principal
2025-26 Special Education Director
2025-26 High School Special Education Teacher
2025-26 Activities Director
Contact the school for more information 641-447-2517.
We are looking for a School Bus Driver for a morning and evening route, driving to activities, and/or a substitute driver. Apply in the school office.
If you are interested in a position, please apply online with Iowa Works  or stop at the school office to pick up an application.
216 Sherman Street
Murray, Iowa 50174
641-447-2517 or

Iowa Works