Monday, March 10 we have school all day
Tuesday, March 11 early out 1:45 (parent teacher conferences from 4-8pm)
Wednesday, March 12 normal school day
Thursday, March 13 early out 1:45 (parent teacher conferences from 4-8pm)
Friday, March 14 no school
Monday, March 17- Friday, March 21 no school (Spring Break)
Monday, March 24 no school
Monday, March 31 we will have school (weather make up day)
Monday, April 14 we will have school (weather make up day)


Newsletters are available the first school day of the month. Newsletters will be published on this website as well as emailed out. Each building level has its own newsletter specific to events happening within those grades. Newsletters contain important information about what is happening in the counseling department.

Elementary Newsletters

Junior High Newsletters

High School Newsletters