
Murray will have a 2 hour delay, no morning activities on Tuesday, January 21 due to the cold temperatures.

Post-Secondary Planning

Post-Secondary planning is such an exciting time! There are many different paths students can take. There is no best path or choice. Each student is different and has different goals. I believe in helping students make the right choice for them personally and making sure they are able to achieve their goals. Below, you will find information on different pathways you can take after graduation. This is just basic information to help students explore different options. Feel free to stop by room 150 to discuss career planning anytime.


Entering the workforce straight after high school can be a good option for students. Students interested in working upon graduation are encouraged to explore different career options while in high school. Follow the link to learn about some careers available to students.


Students who choose to attend college after high school have different types of schools they can attend. Students should find a school that is a fit for them academically, financially, and culturally. Follow the link to learn about different types of schools and explore local options.


There are different branches of the military students can enlist in. Follow the link to learn about the different military branches.