Monday, March 10 we have school all day
Tuesday, March 11 early out 1:45 (parent teacher conferences from 4-8pm)
Wednesday, March 12 normal school day
Thursday, March 13 early out 1:45 (parent teacher conferences from 4-8pm)
Friday, March 14 no school
Monday, March 17- Friday, March 21 no school (Spring Break)
Monday, March 24 no school
Monday, March 31 we will have school (weather make up day)
Monday, April 14 we will have school (weather make up day)



Forms are available in Room 205. Forms will need to be signed by a parent/guardian if the student is under 18.

SWCC Concurrent enrollment

Through Iowa Post-secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) students have the opportunity to enroll in courses at Southwestern Community College and get credit towards both high school graduation and college! This is a wonderful opportunity for students to take advantage of. This opportunity is available to all proficient Juniors and Seniors, as well as Freshman and Sophomores that are identified as Talented and Gifted (TAG). Classes can be taken online or at the Osceola Center.

Process for Enrolling in SWCC classes:

  1. Complete registration form and turn it into Miss Sickels.
  2. Complete SWCC’s online registration at:
  • Make sure to select “High School Student Application for Admission

3. Take the ACT or Accuplacer.

  • If you have ACT scores on file, SWCC will accept those.
  • If you have not yet taken the ACT, you will need to take the Accuplacer.
  • Information on setting up an appointment can be found here:
  • Mrs. Wood will also be happy to assist you in setting up an appointment.

4. If it is your first time taking a SWCC class, you will be limited to only taking one online course.

SWCC Career Academies

  • Juniors and Seniors are able to enroll in one of SWCC’s career academies. These academies are Automotive Repair Technology, Collision Repair/Refinish, Information Technology Systems Networking, Carpentry & Building Trades, and Electrical Technology.

  • Students who enroll in these courses will take courses on the Creston Campus. These courses will either be in the morning or afternoon. Students will take their core classes the other half of the day at Murray.

  • If a student enrolls in a career academy both their junior and senior year, they will have completed one full year of their courses for their two-year technical degree.

  • Enrollment follows the same process as other SWCC classes.

  • More information about career academies can be found here.

Seniors: Process for ordering SWCC transcripts

  • Transcripts are ordered through the National Student Clearinghouse, found here. When you follow the link, type Southwestern Community College-Iowa in the search bar under the “Order a Transcript” section.

  • Transcripts from SWCC will need to be sent to the post-secondary institution you are attending in order for those credits to transfer.

  • There is a $5.00 fee for sending SWCC transcripts. This is paid to SWCC when you order the transcript.