Monday, March 10 we have school all day
Tuesday, March 11 early out 1:45 (parent teacher conferences from 4-8pm)
Wednesday, March 12 normal school day
Thursday, March 13 early out 1:45 (parent teacher conferences from 4-8pm)
Friday, March 14 no school
Monday, March 17- Friday, March 21 no school (Spring Break)
Monday, March 24 no school
Monday, March 31 we will have school (weather make up day)
Monday, April 14 we will have school (weather make up day)


Graduation requirements

Below are the minimum graduation requirements to graduate from Murray High School. Students must earn 26 credits. Each semester is worth 0.5 credit. A full-year course will earn a student 1 credit.

English 4 credits Must include English I and English II
Math 3 credits Must include Integrated I & II and either Integrated III or Math for the Trades
Science 3 credits Must include Physical Science and Biology
Social Studies 3 credits Must include World History, US History, Government, and Economics
Electives 13 credits Must include 2 credits of Physical Education and 1 credit of Financial Literacy*

* Financial Literacy can be satisfied by either Consumer Math or Introduction to Business.

SWCC Transcripts

Order a transcript

Transcripts are ordered through the National Student Clearinghouse. When you follow the link above, type Southwestern Community College-Iowa in the search bar under the “Order a Transcript” section. Transcripts from SWCC will need to be sent to the post-secondary institution you are attending in order for those credits to transfer. There is a $5.00 fee for sending SWCC transcripts. This is paid to SWCC when you order the transcript.