Monday, March 10 we have school all day
Tuesday, March 11 early out 1:45 (parent teacher conferences from 4-8pm)
Wednesday, March 12 normal school day
Thursday, March 13 early out 1:45 (parent teacher conferences from 4-8pm)
Friday, March 14 no school
Monday, March 17- Friday, March 21 no school (Spring Break)
Monday, March 24 no school
Monday, March 31 we will have school (weather make up day)
Monday, April 14 we will have school (weather make up day)


2024-2025 Murray Student Handbook

This year’s student handbook has been revised as some policies have changed. Many of the changes come from our return-to-learn plan and due to the nature of the pandemic, some of our policies are a bit more fluid and may change as prescribed by State, Local ,and Federal agencies. Student safety is our primary concern, and as we look forward to a great year at Murray, we ask for some flexibility and understanding in these changing times.

2024-2025 Student Handbook

2024-2025 Murray Mobile Device Agreement

The way schools deliver information to students is changing. The primary goal of our Chromebook initiative is to instruct students in the way they learn. Chromebooks are not the focus of this goal, but they are a tool used in changing the way we teach. The second goal of this initiative is to further level the playing field and create an equal opportunity for all learners. Every student will have access to the technology they need to interact and learn in our media and technology saturated world.

2024-2025 Murray New Chromebook Handbook